Is Drinking Red Wine Good For Health?
Id drinking red wine good for health? Well, like everyone else I’m currently in the middle of my much needed health kick. Which brings me to wine. If you’re like me then a glass of red wine once in a while is much needed. But alcohol and health don’t go hand in hand right? Well not to worry. I’ve got 8 reasons to reassure you that that glass of wine is not against your health kick and in fact, why a glass of red wine once in awhile can actually be good for you.
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Drinking and Health
Alcohol gets a bad reputation when it comes to health. Surely you cant drink whilst staying healthy right? Of course you can. Mindful drinking isn’t just about going sober. It’s also about reaping the benefits of alcohol whilst staying clear of the negative aspects.
Red wine is the perfect example of this. Drinking two bottles of red wine a day is not good for you. I think we can all agree on that… But one glass a day? Or a bottle on the weekend? That’s called moderation. And moderation is exactly how you can reap the health benefits of red wine whilst staying clear of the negatives. To achieve this moderation you can join a red wine club and get a shipment of a few bottles from time to time. If you are wondering which club to go for, then take a look at wine clubs reviews and ratings.
You see.. Including red wine in your diet is great for an array of things. Red wine helps with your memory, helps keep a stronger brain, good for your gut, your skin, and great for your heart. It also helps your sex life, your happiness and very importantly, your mental wellbeing.
So with that being said, let’s jump into 8 of my favourite and diverse red wine drinking benefits.
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8 Health benefits of drinking red wine
#1 The French paradox
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The French paradox is a term that was coined in the 1980s by French scientists. It refers to the fact that despite French people having diets that are high in saturated fats, they have relatively low levels of heart disease.
So why is it that the lovely people of France don’t have high levels of heart disease even though they have one of the highest saturated fats diet? Some studies point to the fact that they are also one of the highest red wine drinkers in the world. Red wine is full of antioxidants, and cholesterol regulating properties that prevent unwanted clotting by keeping the blood vessels flexible.
So is red wine good for health? Just ask your closest French friend…
#2 Boost your bodies defences
According to a Spanish study, as little as half a glass of red wine may guard against food poisoning caused by germs like salmonella when people are exposed to contaminated food.
In one British study, people who drank roughly a glass of wine a day reduced their risk of infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a major cause of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cancers by 11%.
So is red wine good for health? Well just ask your friend who never gets sick how much red wine they drink.
#3 Good for the Brain
The flavanols in wine may protect your body's cells that support healthy blood vessels — a key physiological benefit that can improve blood flow to the brain and prevent harmful plaque from developing. Animal studies suggest that resveratrol in particular may prevent age-related memory decline.
So that one glass of wine a night isn’t just going to make you healthy but it’s going to keep your memory strong!
When researchers gave memory quizzes to women in their 70s, those who drank one drink or more every day scored much better than those who drank less or not at all.
For the same reason, drinking red wine in moderation can also protect against Alzheimer’s
#4 Keeps you happy!
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Firstly there are the obvious reasons behind why a glass of wine keeps you happy. One thing about being on a health kick is dull food, being hungry all the time and not having the joy of being in a food comma after a half price Justeat order on a Saturday night.
Having something that you enjoy that may be a little naughty like a glass or two of red wine keeps you in a good mood and feeling good about your new found healthy lifestyle.
The reason most people give up on health kicks is that they go too hard too soon. Having a little bit of joy and moderation helps keeps your new found healthy lifestyle balanced.
The restrictions of a healthy diet is what normally makes people fall of the waggon. So its important to find that balance between the healthy foods and the stuff you really want. And that’s exactly what red wine does.
More on the scientific side though; A 2014 study showed that people who had a glass of wine in an unpleasant environment experienced the same level of mood improvement as people who didn’t drink in a more pleasant environment.
Another study of middle aged and elderly people showed that those who drank 2–7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to become depressed - and that’s from the healthline!
#5 Red wine helps you lose weight
According to The Drinks Business, Washington State University scientists found that resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine that helps with your memory, can help transform stubborn white fat into burnable brown fat.
White fat, is the type fat that stores energy in big oily droplets throughout the body. It’s basically like extra energy reserves which is what can lead to obesity.
Brown fat, contains both smaller droplets and high amounts of mitochondria. Brown fat is what regulates body temperature. When its cold outside brown fat kicks in to keep you warm.
A separate study at Harvard also found a link between wine and weight loss. Researchers examined 20,000 women over 13 years and saw that those who drank two glasses of wine daily were 70% less likely to be overweight.
So next time you're half way through your 12 week fitness program wondering why even though you’re losing weight, that little stubborn roll at the bottom of your belly won’t go anywhere. Consider having a glass or two of red wine to help turn that stubborn white fat into more burnable brown fat.
#6 Red Wine is good for your gut!
A 2018 study reports that polyphenols from red wine and grapes can improve the gut microbiota, contributing to a healthy gut. According to 2012 research, red wine compounds may also act as prebiotics, which are compounds that boost healthy gut bacteria.
In 2016, researchers suggested red wine could reduce the risk of heart disease through its effects on the gut microbiome.
Science daily reported in a more recent 2019 study that people who drank red wine had an increased gut microbiota diversity (a sign of gut health) compared to non-red wine drinkers as well as an association with lower levels of obesity and 'bad' cholesterol.
#7 Good for type 2 diabetes
A 2015 study has shown that drinking a glass of red wine with dinner modestly decreases cardiometabolic risk in people with type 2 diabetes. This study revealed that moderate red wine consumption (defined as one glass per day in this study) can reduce the risks of heart disease in people with well-controlled type 2 diabetes.
In the study, more than 200 participants were monitored for two years. One group had a glass of red wine each night with dinner, one had white wine, and the other had mineral water. All followed a healthy Mediterranean-style diet without any calorie restrictions.
After two years, the red wine group had higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or good cholesterol) than they did before, and lower cholesterol levels overall. They also saw benefits in glycemic control.
The researchers concluded that drinking moderate amounts of red wine in conjunction with a healthy diet can “modestly decrease” heart disease risks. Source
#8 Better sex life
Red wine increases blood flow which as mentioned above, helps fight against heart disease. Basically, keeping your blood flow strong is a good thing! This includes blood flow to, well, other areas of the body, ahem. Which are, erm, well, lower down, below the heart... If you catch my drift. It helps things stand to attention.
An Italian study showed that women who drank more than two glasses each day had a higher sex drive than women who didn’t.
A 2012 study showed that men who drank red wine had higher levels of testosterone, which is linked to having a high sex drive. It’s compounds in the wine that stimulate our erogenous zones.
So with Valentines day just around the corner its best to stock up on that red wine! And whilst you’re at it don’t forget to check out my Valentines day Prosecco cocktails here.
So… Is red wine good for health?
So what can we take away from this? Is red wine actually good for health. It’s easy to put alcohol in this “unhealthy” box but what you should keep in mind is before alcohol was used for getting drunk, it was used as a medicine, an elixir of life and red wine is one of the healthiest out of the lot.
Don’t think just because it’s alcoholic that it’s not healthy. In moderation, red wine will help you lose weight, make your skin glow, reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart diseases as well as better your memory, mental wellbeing, blood flow and sex life. What more could you want?
Obviously it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Like with everything, there’s also some negatives and unhealthy aspects of drinking red wine. But I think this goes without saying this is all about moderation.
Just because one glass of red wine helps you lose weight doesn’t mean 20 glasses will help you lose more weight. One glass a night or a bottle on the weekend is the perfect amount to reap the benefits of red wine whilst staying clear of the risks.
Don’t over do it. If you can’t stay within the limits of a “healthy glass” then its best just to stay clear all together. Which is what I mentioned when talking about the health benefits of Tequila.
Medical Disclaimer
Keep in mind I am but a humble bartender turned drinks expert. NOT a medical professional. So PLEASE, if you’re having any medical issues and are now thinking “hey, red wine is good for health, I’m going swap out medication for it” do not do so. Seek the advice of a professional medical advisor for medical advise, not a bartender like me.
Hi, I’m Cameron, Guv’nor of Smartblend and author of this article. If you’ve had a good read, don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter below. I’ve got some interesting things coming this year and I would love to tell you fist!
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