Wimbledon - The Drinking Game

Sale Price:£1.99 Original Price:£3.99

Enjoy the oldest tennis tournament in the world by indulging in one of the oldest community pass times in the world… drinking!

Because lets be honest. The idea of watching Wimbledon sounds like fun, but the majority of it can be quite boring. That being said it's all over the T.V and in ever pub we step foot in. So why not make a little fun out of it? For the price of half a pint you can have the full set of rules to make this Wimbledon experience that much more enjoyable.

Once purchased you’ll receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. Once the pdf is downloaded. It’s yours forever.

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Enjoy the oldest tennis tournament in the world by indulging in one of the oldest community pass times in the world… drinking!

Because lets be honest. The idea of watching Wimbledon sounds like fun, but the majority of it can be quite boring. That being said it's all over the T.V and in ever pub we step foot in. So why not make a little fun out of it? For the price of half a pint you can have the full set of rules to make this Wimbledon experience that much more enjoyable.

Once purchased you’ll receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. Once the pdf is downloaded. It’s yours forever.

Enjoy the oldest tennis tournament in the world by indulging in one of the oldest community pass times in the world… drinking!

Because lets be honest. The idea of watching Wimbledon sounds like fun, but the majority of it can be quite boring. That being said it's all over the T.V and in ever pub we step foot in. So why not make a little fun out of it? For the price of half a pint you can have the full set of rules to make this Wimbledon experience that much more enjoyable.

Once purchased you’ll receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. Once the pdf is downloaded. It’s yours forever.

How To Play

The rules are simple. Grab something you can shot and something you can sip.

You can print this off or play on your phone. The images should help you remember the rules but so you don't miss a drinking opportunity, I'd recommend each player has a page of rules to remember and judicate.

Just a few extra bits - Always drink responsibly and if you're playing in a pub. Keep your voices down, don't go making a... racquet.

ba dum tssy

What’s Included:

4 pages of drinking rules split between 3 sections;

Take a sip if...

Finish your drink if...

Take a shot if...

Each rules has an accompanying image to help easily remember what to do.