Wimbledon Tennis Drinking Game

Enjoy the oldest tennis tournament in the world by indulging in one of the oldest community pass times in the world… drinking!

Because lets be honest. The idea of watching Wimbledon sounds like fun, but the majority of it can be quite boring. That being said it's all over the T.V and in ever pub we step foot in. So why not make a little fun out of it? For the price of half a pint you can have the full set of rules to make this Wimbledon experience that much more enjoyable.

So if you’re looking to get into the Wimbledon tennis mood but you’re not lucky enough to visit, or just can’t be bothered making the journey down to Wimbledon. Well not a worry.

You can have just as much fun for a whole lot cheaper at home with this Wimbledon tennis drinking game.

Wimbledon - The Drinking Game
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Wimbledon - The Drinking Game
Sale Price: £1.99 Original Price: £3.99

Why is Wimbledon so popular?

So for anyone who isn’t a tennis aficionado you might be wondering what this is all about. I mean, sure, you’ve probably heard of Wimbledon. But why once a year is it on every pub T.V screen?

The Wimbledon Championships, commonly known as Wimbledon, although Wimbledon is the name of the place it’s held so that can get confusing, especially for anyone who’s from Wimbledon, is the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament in the world.

When does Wimbledon take place?

Wimbledon takes place over a 2 week period between late June and July. This year (2025) it’ll take place from the 30th June to the 13th of July.

When was the first Wimbledon Tennis Tournament


Anything else you should know?

Here’s a fun fact. It’s the only one of the big grand slam tournaments still held on grass.

To sum up it’s a very old and prestigious tennis tournament. Probably the most important date on any tennis players calendar. Whoever wins Wimbledon is the best of the best. It’s also the thing keeping British strawberry growers in business.

Just for some clarity on that last comment - Strawberries are the food of Wimbledon. Strawberry drinks, strawberries and cream, all things strawberry. For you Americans, it’s like the Mint Julep to your Kentucky Derby.

For more information on what Wimbledon is, you can visit there official website here.



Anyway, enough chit-chat. The point I’m trying to get across is if you’re in Britain from the 30th of June to the 13th of July, every T.V in a pub is going to be Wimbledon and Wimbledon only. And that pretty much goes on all day because those games can get loooong.

Same goes for if you’re at home. Everything’s going to be tennis tennis tennis, and Wimbledon, Wimbledon, Wimbledon.

So if you’re getting bored of watching, or don’t like tennis but want something to do. I’ve got you covered with the Wimbledon Drinking game.

What to drink whilst playing the Wimbledon drinking game?

Pimms, Strawberry cider, Strawberry gin, Strawberry liqueur, heck, you might as well just drink strawberry juice. However, you can’t beat a nice cold beer. It’s totally up to you at the end of the day.

For inbetween the shots, keep it non alcoholic so you dont get too drunk too fast. I recommend keeping it on theme with this Non-Alcoholic Pimm’s Cup recipe.

How to play

The rules are simple. Grab something you can shot and something you can sip.

You can print this off or play on your phone. The images should help you remember the rules but so you don't miss a drinking opportunity, I'd recommend each player has a page of rules to remember and judicate.

Just a few extra bits - Always drink responsibly and if you're playing in a pub. Keep your voices down, don't go making a... racquet.

ba dum tss.

It includes;

4 pages of drinking rules split between 3 sections;

Take a sip if...

Finish your drink if...

Take a shot if...

Each rules has an accompanying image to help easily remember what to do.


Get access to the full rules here.

The above is a taster. The full game includes many other rules for a complete drinking experience. For example;

Get the full drinking game

Wimbledon - The Drinking Game
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Wimbledon - The Drinking Game
Sale Price: £1.99 Original Price: £3.99

Remember - Drink responsibly and have a jolly good Wimbledon!


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