Nutritional Disclaimer

All data and content provided on this website,, and all other Smartblend related channels including social media outlets, are intended for informational purposes only.

It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the value and quality of any recipe or instructions provided for food preparation and to determine the nutritional value, and safety of the preparation instructions. The recipes presented are intended for entertainment and/or informational purposes and for use by persons having the appropriate technical skills, at their own discretion and risk.

Some published recipes on Smartblend include nutritional information however this is just a guide. The nutritional information is calculated using an online calculator and should not be taken as accurate. In many cases, these nutritional values calculated my Smartblend may be wrong. It is up to you to determine your own calculations.

I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. I have no medical training. The information I share is based on my own experiences and information I learn from my own research.

I am not responsible or liable for any health issue that might result from following any posted recipes on smartblend. Your health is your responsibility.

I am not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from this blog/website, You may not always have the same results I do due to variations in ingredients, humidity, altitude, cooking temperatures, typos, errors, omissions, or individual cooking abilities.

Many of the recipes you find here are considered by me to be gluten-free, dairy free, nut free, egg free and/or soy free, among other qualifiers. However, I do not any have control over the ingredients you use to make these recipes nor the environment in which you are making them.