The Queens Gambit Cocktail Recipe - Gibson Cocktail
Wondering how to make the main cocktail featured in Netflix’s hit show The Queens Gambit? AKA The Gibson Martini, AKA, The Gibson Cocktail? Then you’re in the right place!
Okay, so this is 3rd time I’m mentioning the Queens Gambit this week. I promise, this is the final time! The first was when I wrote my recent article on cocktail recipes from movies and T.V which you can find here. The second was when I made a video posted on Youtube on how to make the Queens Gambit Gibson Martini, found here. And then this, the third and final time is where I figured I would just share with you the written recipe.
Can you blame me for all the Queens Gambit content? This is Netflix’s most streamed show, being watched by over 62 million households. It’s everywhere! Every time I get it out my head I read something or see something about it 5 minutes later.
Sure, the queens gambit hype is dying off now and truth be told if I was going to do a recipe post dedicated to it then I probably should of done it maybe 4-5 weeks ago. But what the heck, late to the party as always, I’m doing it now!
What is the Queen’s Gambit Cocktail?
The Queen’s Gambit cocktail is none other than the Gibson Martini, a variation of the Gin Martini. The Gibson Cocktail is the chosen cocktail of main character Beth and her on-screen adopted mother in The Queens Gambit.
Beth is first introduced to the cocktail whilst on a flight, when her adopted mother is seen drinking one and Beth asks “is that a martini?” to which her mother responds “A Gibson, I find the onion more refined than the olive”
History of the Gibson Martini
Before we get to the recipe lets just very briefly cover the history on this cocktail. I do love a good cocktail history lesson after all!
Now, like many many many other cocktails, finding an exact history is difficult. What you’ve got to remember is these classic cocktails have been around for a very long time! The cocktail wasn’t invented by the Queens Gambit. Its been enjoyed and abused for years upon years.
It seems there are many stories about who should be credited with the creation of the Gibson Martini but below is the story I choose to believe. Its simple, easy to remember and makes a lot of sense.
In the early 20th century, graphic artist Charles Dana Gibson is said to have requested a pickled onion twist on the Martini while visiting a New York private social club “The Players” in order to stand out and differentiate himself from everyone else drinking Martini’s. It worked and soon everyone was asking for one of “Gibson’s Martinis” Hence… The Gibson Martini.
See? Simple. And most importantly, brief.
So what the hell is a Gibson Cocktail!
If the part of the Queen’s Gibson “is that a martini” “Gibson, I find the onion more refined then the olive” didn’t give it away, the Gibson is simply a Gin Martini with a pickled onion instead of an olive. Its that simple.
Want to know more about Gin Martini’s? What a coincidence, I have a full guide covering all things Gin Martinis; where they are from, the history, how to make them, the ingredients and the most popular Gin Martini variations which you can read here.
The Gibson Cocktail Video Recipe
Above is a video I made on just how to make this cocktail, (Side note - about 1.26 minutes in I say olives instead of pickled onions. Ignore that, I meant onions) which you can also get to by clicking here. Also, quick Youtube plug - Making video versions of these recipes is fun however very time consuming. If you could just check out my channel, have a browse through some videos and even subscribe! That would be so amazing! Thanks in advance.
The Gibson Martini - Affordable Luxury
If you watched the video and watched it to the end then you would of already heard this bit. But in case you haven’t watched the video, Ill just touch on it.
The Gibson Martini is seen as some what of a luxurious cocktail. Most Gin Martinis are but the Gibson is the lesser known of the Gin Martini Variations. Meaning people who order it usually know what it is and usually are in some kind of high class cocktail bar.
A Gibson at one of these high end bars will normally set you back around £10 - £20 depending on where you are. Done properly, the texture, the mouth-feel the rich history of the martini is a drinking experience for the higher class. It truly is a luxury cocktail.
However… A bottle of gin will cost you around £12, vermouth £6 and the pickled onions about 50p. If you’re using the recipe above with 50ml of gin, then 1 bottle will make you 14 cocktails. That’s about £1.35 per Gibson Martini with pickled onions and vermouth left over for later. That truly is affordable luxury.
The Gibson Cocktail Recipe

The Gibson Cocktail - Queens Gambit
- Pour the gin and dry vermouth into a large mixing glass filled to the top with ice.
- Stir till preferred dilution then strain into an ice cold “V” shaped glass
- Finish of by dropping in a pickled onion and enjoy!
For variations on the Gibson cocktail - check out this full guide to Martinis.
Nutrition Facts
0 gSat. Fat
0 gCarbs
0.42 gFiber
0.02 gNet carbs
0.4 gSugar
0.06 gProtein
0.02 gSodium
2.51 mgCholesterol
0 mgThe nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice. See our full nutrition disclosure here.