A Jam donut infused Negroni inspired by James hoffmanns “drinking donuts in coffee” Youtube video and the inspired donut old fashioned recipe by Kevin Kos - Yes! It actually tastes like jam donuts.

Photo: Pouring jam donut clarified Negroni

Photo: Pouring jam donut clarified Negroni

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James Hoffman Drinking Donuts

So if you haven’t heard of James Hoffmann, allow me to briefly explain. James Hoffmann is a coffee expert who is well known (849k subscribers on Youtube well-known) for making educational coffee related content and videos. 

A couple of months back James made a video explaining how you can infuse donuts into milk to mix with your coffee, making an actual donut tasting coffee. You can see that video here.

Kevin Kos Donut Old Fashioned

After seeing said video, the thought had crossed my mind to create a donut cocktail. But I wasn’t sure how to use the milk infusion method to go about it. Then an angel in the form of Kevin Kos made a video inspired by James Hoffmanns donut milk and made a chocolate donut infused old fashioned stabilized using the milk punch method. Which you can see here.

The Jam Donut Cocktail

Photo: Jam donut Negroni milk punch recipe

Now, its my turn. Inspired by Kevins chocolate donut, which in turn was inspired by James donut coffee, I have created a Jam Donut Negroni. Using actual jam donuts and washed with milk to create a “Jam donut clarified and preserved milk punch”

Mouth full? I know.

Bare with me, it sounds more complicated then it actual is, all the equipment is accessible, there is nothing overly complicated or too difficult to grasp, Just check out my video on the matter here where I fully explain my Jam donut Negroni recipe step by step, or keep on reading!

Clarified Negroni

Now to clarify our Negroni, we need to understand milk punches. A milk punch is a way to preserve and clarify a cocktail whilst at the same time adding a beautifully silky mouthfeel and an almost completely clear eye-catching liquid. It's a great way to play on perception as you can take something dark, vicious and cloudy and make it clear, light and silky whilst keeping those original flavours.

This inspired me to make a twist on the Kevin Kos version of a donut cocktail and create this jam donut Negroni.

As Kevin’s creation was inspired by James, and mine is inspired by Kevin’s, I guess you can say this Jam donut Negroni is a inspired by inspired video… but i’ve said that already

Want to learn more about milk punch clarification? Check out my full guide here.

Jam Donut Negroni

For this recipe, we will double up on the usual Negroni specs as you are likely to lose liquid to the absorption from the donut.

Feel free to double, triple, or quadruple this recipe to make a large batch as once its clarified it will keep for way up to a year.

Full Jam Donut Cocktail and Clarified Negroni Recipe

DRINKING DONUTS: Jam Donut Gin Cocktail (Clarified Donut Milk Punch Recipe)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQieSA9ApmEHow to make the clarified jam donut negronihttps://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/DQieSA9ApmE/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CJGB250G&rs=AOn4CLCuCOQRZ8HjXSovcrPzXDJDlxbh-Q2021-05-26
Clarified Jam Donut Negroni

Clarified Jam Donut Negroni

Yield: 4
Author: Cameron Fielding
Prep time: 2 MinCook time: 1 MinInactive time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 3 M
A clarified Negroni milk punch that tastes just like Jam Donut.



  1. Combine the gin, Campari and sweet vermouth. This is your Negroni mix.
  2. Cut the jam donut into rough pieces and add to a blender, pour over the Negroni mix and sprinkle over the citric acid. Blend for around 10-15 seconds.
  3. Allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes or however long it takes for the donut bits to begin separating from the liquid.
  4. Strain the mixture into a jug then pour the strained liquid over 30ml of whole milk. At this point, the mixture should curdle, this is the process of milk washing, you can learn more about this here.
  5. Strain the curdled mixture through a coffee filter, this will take a few hours as it strains drip by drip. Don’t force the straining, let gravity do its work.
  6. After the mixture has strained you should have a clarified shelf stable punch. If its still a bit cloudy, run it through a second coffee filter straining. This will last months, even years stored properly.

Nutrition Facts




0.25 g

Sat. Fat

0.14 g


8.08 g


0 g

Net carbs

8.08 g


0.4 g


0.27 g


3.21 mg


0.93 mg

The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice. See our full nutrition disclosure here.

jam donut, negroni, cocktail, recipe
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Hi, I’m Cameron, guv’nor of Smartblend. If you liked this then you’re in luck, I have a bunch more recipes like it. I share only vegetarian and pescatarian food recipes, cocktails, and drink guides with a sprinkling of wellness and mindful drinking. If that sounds like you, then stick around!

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