What is Eurovision? and 7 Tips To Throw an Epic 2025 Eurovision Party at Home

How to throw an epic Eurovision party from the comfort of your own home fit for 2 or 200 people.

This is part 3 of a 3 part coverage of this years (2025) Eurovision Song Contest. Throughout this article we will go through what Eurovision is, the surprising rules of Eurovision, FAEQ frequently asked Eurovision questions, and the 7 steps to throw an epic Eurovision home party.

Including what to wear, eat, and drink, all the way to games and entertainment.

Part 2 is my Eurovision drinking game which you can follow online or print of for showtime.

Part 3 is my free to download Eurovision party pack which includes bingo cards, Printable Decorations Recipes, a Eurovision quiz and a printable version of the above drinking game.

As for this article, if you’re already clued up on Eurovision, use the below button to jump to the tips and tricks.

I’ve also just published alllll my Eurovision themed cocktails and shots so check out the cocktail recipes here and the flag shot recipes here.

Jump to tips and tricks

Eurovision 2025 Party Bundle Pack - Eurovision Bingo Cards, Printable Bunting, Quiz, Score Sheets, Drinking Games, Cocktail Recipes and More!
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Eurovision 2025 Party Bundle Pack - Eurovision Bingo Cards, Printable Bunting, Quiz, Score Sheets, Drinking Games, Cocktail Recipes and More!
Sale Price: £8.99 Original Price: £15.99

Celebrate Eurovision 2025 in style with the ONLY Eurovision party pack online that includes Eurovision drink and cocktail recipes you can make at home! Eurovision flag bunting, Eurovision Drinking games, Score Cards and of course, the best Eurovision Bingo Cards made specifically for 2025.


  • 6 Eurovision Bingo Cards unique for 2025

  • The Ultimate Eurovision Quiz

  • The Eurovision Drinking Game

  • Eurovision Themed Cocktail Recipes

  • Eurovision Themed Flag Shot Recipes

  • Blank Score Sheets

  • Printable Flag Bunting and Decor perfect for decorating an entire home on a budget.

It’s that time of year again where the best singing competition, and the one that confuses Americans, returns to our TV's. I am of course talking about the Eurovision song contest.

This year (2025) the competition will be held in Basel and like a lot of people. I’ll be hosting an at home Eurovision watch party because A) I couldn’t get tickets and B) Even if I could get tickets, hotels are fully booked and Airbnb prices have gone ridiculously through the roof.

But that’s okay. Because if you’re anything like me you can have just as much of a good time (if not better) from the comfort of your own home.

Even if you’re not massively into Eurovision it’s still a great excuse for a party.

But this year I don’t want to see anyone sitting watching it in their pyjamas with a glass of wine in hand. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a completely acceptable way to do it. But what I want to see is everyone throwing their own parties.

Yes, even if it’s just 2 of you. There's no shame in throwing a party for 2. Who needs friends anyway? It’s what I’ll be doing.

I’ve previously gave you the tips and tricks to throw an epic oktoberfest party. And throughout this article. I’ll give you the tools to do the same for Eurovision.

Eurovision Song Contest 2025 need to knows

Before we jump into the tips to throw an epic Eurovision party from the comfort of your own home. Lets just cover the basics, the need to knows.

What is the Eurovision song contest

Eurovision stage with question marks.

The Eurovision Song Contest is an internationally televised song competition, organized by the European Broadcasting Union and featuring participants chosen by EBU member broadcasters representing their countries from across Europe (and for some reason Australia)

Each country creates an original song and has an artist to perform it/represent them.

In each show, after all songs have been performed, each country will give two sets of points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12) to their favourite songs; one set is given by a jury of five music industry professionals from that country, and one set given by viewers watching the show in that country.

Viewers can vote by telephone, SMS and through the official app.

Out of fairness, you cannot vote for your own country.

Those details were taken from the official Eurovision website, so do check them out for more formal details.

What is Eurovision really about

But let me sum up in more of an understandable way…

The country that wins Eurovision gets to host the next Eurovision song contest.

Which is great for that country's exposure, not to mention tourism. People do and will travel far and wide to watch eurovision so the money it brings in is massive. Not to mention - bragging rights.

The whole thing is televised to the country. Here in the UK, we have the witty Graham Norton who does our commentary.

The songs are rarely works of art. In Fact just last year I was watching with a friend of mine who has never watched Eurovision before and questioned why those songs are incredibly terrible. The reason… the voting.

Why Eurovision songs are bad

Like I had mentioned, voting is done by country officials and the audience.

Disregard the country officials straight away. Their votes always go to countries they like. Neighbors, or countries they want future deals with. Completely unrelated to the actual song.

Greece always awards the highest points to Cyprus whether they were good or not, and vice versa, Cyprus always votes for Greece. Nothing to do with the song.

Which is why we (The United Kingdom) always perform so badly in Eurovision… nobody likes us.

That was until 2022 though!!! Thank you sam ryder for overcoming the UK's incredibly embarrassing scores curse!!!

As for the audience, they always vote for whichever song is stuck in their heads the most. A Lot of songs are performed so audiences just go with the catchiest. Which usually are the most ridiculous.

So the quality of music isn't the main part. It’s always a case of “lets showcase our country and culture, and let's see how ridiculous we can go with this” with a sprinkling of political nonsense throughout.

That is the charm of Eurovision and why it’s so damn brilliant to watch. I always say that for anyone who has never heard of Eurovision, to play these 3 songs for a complete understanding of what to expect.

Eurovision in 4 songs

Sometimes they go weird..

Case in point, notice the weird dancing gorilla that comes out at 01:29 in the next song.

Sometimes they go catchy…

Take note of the sax solo in this song at 00:47

Sometimes they go sexy…

Sex sells, right? Take note of the over the top milk churning and clothes washing throughout this next song…

or just watch Will Ferrell’s Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga which is a spot on representation of the Eurovision song contest.

The rules of the Eurovision song contest

Eurovision rules.

Even though the whole thing is slightly ridiculous you may also be interested to know that there are rules to Eurovision. Here are those rules:

  • The song must not exceed 3 minute duration.

  • All lead vocals must be performed live.

  • No more than 6 people can take part in the performance.

  • The song must not have been publicly released before 1st September; it should not have been performed in public or officially published on any media including but not limited to radio, TV and the Internet.

  • The song cannot be a cover or sample another artist’s work.

  • The song must be original with regards to song writing and musical instrumentation.

  • The singer/s must be 18 years or older.

  • Composers and songwriters may only submit one entry.

Why are the artist always unknown in Eurovision? Why don’t famous artists just enter…

People also ask why successful artists don't just enter Eurovision and win. Like why don’t the UK just get Ed Sheeran up there, or Adele?

There's a couple of reasons why this doesn't happen. Such as fairness to other countries.

Remember, Eurovision is all about making political allies through weird songs. Other countries wouldn't be too happy if us (The UK) just stuck a world renowned artist in the competition. It’s not exactly fair.

But the main reason is that the artist would never do it. It’s way too risky. If they win, it wouldn't advance their career.

Sure, Sam Ryder has made a global success of himself thanks to Eurovision but for artists who are already successful, it wouldn't do much. And secondly, even though the chances of them losing might be slim, there is still a chance. And it's way too risky to chance that.

Imagine if you were a platinum selling, stadium selling out, world renowned artist and you lost a singing competition to a song about giving a wolf a banana…

and yes, that was an actually song from last years Eurovision. Check it out here if you don’t believe me.

That’s a one way ticket to destroy your representation. Way too risky, not worth it.

However, for unknown singers. It can make your career. Here are just a few artists who started out on Eurovision and are now global successes.

Most famous singers who got there start on Eurovision

  1. Celine Dion

  2. Olivia Newton-John

  3. Cliff Richard

  4. Lulu

  5. Abba

Where is Eurovision 2025

The Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 will take place in St. Jakobshalle, Basel

When is the Eurovision Final 2025

Saturday 17 May, 2025

The 7 tips to host an epic Eurovision party in 2025

#1 What to wear

What to wear for a Eurovision party.

First and foremost you need to dress the part. How are you expected to fully submerge yourself in the Eurovision feeling if you’re lounging around in your pyjamas. It’s time to clean up and get dressed.

There is going to be an on-going theme to these tips which I will refer to as the ‘Eurovision party theme’. The idea is that you’re going to write down the names of all the countries in the final competition. Put them in a hat and have your guests randomly pick them.

Whichever country you get, that's going to be your theme for the night. And trust me, this works even with 2 people.

So if you’re going down the Eurovision party theme. The dress code is whatever country you get. Here's some good outfits to get you going from the 5 countries that will definitely be in the final (because they pay their way in)

United Kingdom themed Eurovision outfit

For men, you can go ‘classy’ or laidback. I recommend this suit right here…

Man wearing british flag suit for eurovision party.

The casual version and the my favourite would be this one right here…

Now for all my ladies out there I’ve got one recommendation and one recommendation only.

If your theme is the UK. Then the only outfit I will accept as a proud British man, is this one…

And if you really want to impress, don’t forget the union jack wig.

£13.49 amazon.co.uk

Now if you really really want to impress, complete the look with these.

French themed Eurovision outfit

For men, the classic would be something like this.

French outfit for eurovision.

Another option would be to go with the classic mime.

Male mime costume.

For women, you can go with the classic stripped t-shirt and a Beret. Or, here’s a mime outfit specifically for women.

French mime outfit for women.

If you really want to push the boat out, a little on the nose, but there’s always the French maid…

French maid outfit.

Germany themed Eurovision outfit

For Germany check out my 7 tips to throw an epic Oktoberfest party article. Any of the costumes in the what to wear section would work well for this.

Italian themed Eurovision outfit

For Italy, wear anything in the colours of Italy - Green, white, and red.

Another great option would be the classic that is Mario himself.

Italian Mario costume for men
Women's Italian Mario costume.

£17.99 amazon.co.uk

$79.99 amazon.com

Spainish themed Eurovision outfit

For men, you the classic costume would be the matador.

Men's Spanish matador costume.

As for women, the only acceptable choice is to dress as a saucy Spanish senorita.

Women's Spanish Senorita outfit.

You can also make any outfit look Spanish as long as you have the right skirt…

Large frilly fancy dress outfit.

Check out this guide for more on what to wear.

#2 Decorations

As for decorations, you need to be inclusive of all participants. It’s an appreciation of every country. So first and foremost your home needs to be dressed in as many country flags bunting as humanly possible. Check out these ones.

European flag bunting for eurovision.

£4.99 amazon.co.uk

$17.95 amazon.com

A good tip is to search for football world cup bunting. However, this is Eurovision. So if you can get only European flags (like the above), that would be ideal. Not world flags.

If you want some flags on the cheap, check out our below party pack which includes all of the 2025 Eurovision competing countries flags to print and craft your own bunting decorations.

And do not forget the Eurovision table cloth. It’s a must.

Eurovision table cloth.

£4.99 amazon.co.uk

$11.99 amazon.com

Gold tinsel fringe curtains also work great for all those photo opportunities.

Gold tinsel party backdrop.

£8.99 amazon.co.uk

$11.99 amazon.com

Glow sticks, must I say anymore?

£9.49 amazon.co.uk

$11.99 amazon.com

Also remember this isn't just Eurovision… It’s the Eurovision SONG contest. So pick up some musical props like these.

Music Party Props for Eurovision.

£24.99 amazon.co.uk

$21.99 amazon.com

Finally, you want to set the right mood with one of these disco lights.

Colour changing disco party light.

£9.99 amazon.co.uk

$9.99 amazon.com

#3 Drinks

Drinks I’d do 2 ways. Firstly, whichever country you’re supporting, get a drink that represents them. I’ll be adorned with English sparkling wine, English beer, and gin.

Second option is if you’re doing the Eurovision themed party which I mentioned. In that case every guest (yes even if it's just 2 of you) must bring a drink from their chosen country.

Think Spanish sangria, German beer, Polish vodka, French wine.

#4 Cocktails and punch

I couldn’t post anything on this website without speaking about cocktails. It is a majority a cocktail website afterall. Which is great for you because the cocktails will come easy.

You’re already halfway there just being on this website.

Check out all my drink recipes here and just pick one you like the look of. Espresso Martinis would be great to help you stay up. I would also recommend whatever cocktails you’re making, to do so in bulk. AKA a punch. That way you don’t have to keep going back and forth making cocktails.

Eurovision Cocktails

5 eurovision themed cocktails

As for the cocktails specifically, you know I’ve got you covered.

I’ve been tinkering and messing around for quite awhile now trying to perfect some Eurovision themed cocktails and boy have I done it.

I’ve got 5 cocktails, each one in collaboration with my Swedish schnapps friends flavar, each one based of a different country competing in this years Eurovision song contest.

And the best party? You can easily make these from home…

View all 5 Eurovision Cocktail Recipe Here.

But Eurovision is about the shots as well, it is a party after all. So where are they?

Eurovision flag layered shots.

You know I’ve got you covered. These are my 5 Eurovision shot recipes.

Once again, they’re all based on a different country and layered to look like the flags from those countries.

View All 5 Layered Eurovision Flag Shots Here.

If you really want to make something special. Why not whip up an original cocktail just for the occasion.

I love making cocktails from scratch specifically for 1 event. That way anytime anyone has something similar or with similar flavours, they think of your party.

It’s also just a super nice thing to have. Really elevates any party or event having a special, never been served before, one of cocktail.

If this is something you’re interested in but don’t know where to start, just check out my online cocktail course on how to make cocktails from scratch. It’s currently 50% and will give you all the techniques and knowledge you need to make any cocktail you can dream up from scratch.

#5 Food

Eurovision pizza.

For food, there's 2 ways to do it.

If you’re going for the Eurovision themed party. Then get every guest to bring food from their chosen country. Doesn’t have to be much, just something to pick on.

Think bread and cheese if you have France, or pretzels if you have Germany. In fact, any food from my how to throw an oktoberfest party article would be great if you have Germany for your Eurovision party.

The second way would be to lean into whatever country you're supporting. So me being British, I’d be doing cheese and pineapple on a stick (whether they like it or not) Colin the caterpillar cake, mini quiches, mini sausage rolls, crisp in a bowl, little triangle sandwiches and I might even splurge on some party rings and rice crispy cakes.

As a side note, anyone not British reading that list of food is probably right confused.

But you get the point. Lean into one specific country. Just make sure they are buffet foods. Finger food, picky bits. No one needs a full 3 course meal at party time. Just something they can shove in their gob in one swift bite.

Oh, also make sure you diversify your buffet. A few sweet bits, a few savoury bits. Balance that buffet. And pick up some mini flags to stick in them, they’re super cute.

#6 Music

Now I know what you’re thinking “Music, why music? We will be already listening to music”

I’ve been there too. But trust me. Consider music because before the show starts, you’ll want to listen to music that gets you in the mood. So head straight to Spotify or YouTube and get a Eurovision playlist on.

Then after the competition, I mean sure it's long, but you might still be wanting to get on it. So have some music lined up.

It’s also a great idea that preferably prior to the start of the show, you do some Eurovision karaoke. For this, you will need a karaoke machine which you can connect Eurovision songs to.

Top Rated Karaoke Machine

Top Rated Karaoke Machine

£107.09 amazon.co.uk

$129.99 amazon.om

This karaoke machine is one of the top rated on both amazon UK and US. And for good reason.

Its cheap but works well. Has wireless microphones, Bluetooth speaker, audio adjustments, and LED lights. So you get a lot for your money.

Of course at that price, it won’t be ABBA level of audio output. But good nevertheless! Totally worth it.

Moukey karaoke machines.

My Top Recommendation

£229.99 amazon.co.uk

$192.72 amazon.com

Now if you have the money to spend a little extra, and you plan on whipping out the old karaoke machine at any given moment.

Then you want one that’s going to last.

My recommendation? Well it has to be this one.

#7 Games

Games are the best part of Eurovision. Especially during it. Like I said, the Eurovision Song Contest is long. You’re going to want a few games to keep people entertained during the slower songs.

Nothing works better than Eurovision bingo and Eurovision drinking games.

I’ve spent a lot of time this year putting together the perfect games for Eurovision that you can just keep open on a tab or download and print off if you want to really get involved. Check them out here. The pack includes a Eurovision Bingo cards, Scoring Sheets, A Eurovision quiz, Printable Bunting Flags and rules for my Eurovision drinking game.

Eurovision 2025 Party Bundle Pack - Eurovision Bingo Cards, Printable Bunting, Quiz, Score Sheets, Drinking Games, Cocktail Recipes and More!
Quick View
Eurovision 2025 Party Bundle Pack - Eurovision Bingo Cards, Printable Bunting, Quiz, Score Sheets, Drinking Games, Cocktail Recipes and More!
Sale Price: £8.99 Original Price: £15.99

Celebrate Eurovision 2025 in style with the ONLY Eurovision party pack online that includes Eurovision drink and cocktail recipes you can make at home! Eurovision flag bunting, Eurovision Drinking games, Score Cards and of course, the best Eurovision Bingo Cards made specifically for 2025.


  • 6 Eurovision Bingo Cards unique for 2025

  • The Ultimate Eurovision Quiz

  • The Eurovision Drinking Game

  • Eurovision Themed Cocktail Recipes

  • Eurovision Themed Flag Shot Recipes

  • Blank Score Sheets

  • Printable Flag Bunting and Decor perfect for decorating an entire home on a budget.

If you’re just after the drinking game, check that out here.


Eurovision Drinking Game 2025


What To Do With Leftover Red Wine | 9 Ways To Use It