The mindful mixologist is my Instagram account leading the movement of mindful drinking, healthy recipes, sustainability and mental wellbeing.
When I started this blog, I always had an attraction to sustainability and mindful drinking. I was never the kind of person to go sober and I still never have. However, I wanted a space to share my recipes, my thoughts and my advice about how you can still live a mindful drinking lifestyle without giving up the booze. or at the very least work it into your regular lifestyle. Its not always about big changes but small adjustments.
And so, in November 2020, I started an Instagram account to do just that. Enter the mindful mixologist @mindful_mixologist. This is the place where I share all my cocktail recipes, behind the scenes of cocktail ingredient prep and techniques with a focus on sustainability, health, mindful drinking and low/no ABV but by no means entirely low/no ABV. It’s built on balance, as any mindful drinking lifestyle should be.
As well as drinks I also share tips on how to look after your mental health with the occasional yoga phase. The mindful mixology community has now grown to over 35k followers and is growing more every day. But why not check it out for yourself, as a picture does say 1000s words after-all, and I have plenty of them to check out.
Cocktails that balance both heavy hitting alcohol and zero proof recipes. Never compromising on quality, character or complexity.
It’s not all serious. Sometimes it just about creative looking drinks, funny bartender videos and amazing behind the scenes of drink production.
Say no to waste. Let me show you how to turn that waste into something delicious.